Coaching Monthly Subscriptions to take charge of your ADHD before it takes charge of you


The question is are you ready to take charge?

If the answer is Yes, here is how you can start
through signing up for one of the following monthly coaching subscriptions. Once you have signed up, your coach will work with you to formulate your intention in order to get the best out of the ADHD coaching. Here is a guide to understanding intentions and the power of them.

Coaching Options Available:

  • Coaching Option 1: Online access coaching

    Online Access Coaching

    Ideal for anyone who is curious about ADHD - parents, adults diagnosed or undiagnosed, employers.

    Ideal for anyone wanting to access a ADHD coach anytime, anywhere via email and learn more about ADHD through an online course at their own pace. Please note that the initial coaching call is 30 mins online.

  • Option 2 Accountability Coaching

    Accountability Coaching

    Ideal for adults with ADHD wanting to access a ADHD coach online every week or fortnightly at an agreed time to keep regular contact and account on progress.

    All coaching sessions are online and are 15 minutes long. Please note that the price quoted above is for the fortnightly accountability coaching subscription.

  • Bespoke Coaching

    Bespoke Coaching

    Coaching is bespoke to the issues that you are struggling with so can be focused on your goals rather than following a set programme. Coaching can take place on a weekly or fortnightly basis.

    All coaching sessions are online and are 45 minutes long. Please note that the price quoted above is for the fortnightly accountability coaching subscription.

Or join the online Group Coaching Course starting in September 2023

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