The main symptom associated with ADHD is a poor executive function and therefore, our relationship with time is impaired. This impacts our life in many ways from organizing work tasks to formulating sentences when we speak and planning for the future - all of which ultimately affects our interpersonal relationships. However, it is possible to change your relationship with time when you become aware of the consequences and impact to yourself and those around you.

  • Learned helplessness happens when people or animals become conditioned to believe that a bad situation is unchangeable or inescapable. Take the test or scroll down to find out more below.

  • People always choose not to change. As ADHDers we are known for our self-sabotaging capabilities. This limits our growth and life potential. Book a coaching session to find out more or scroll down to find out more below.

  • Emotional overwhelm may be caused by stress, traumatic life experiences, relationship issues, and much more. Mindfulness training can help with this and is essential for living with ADHD. Learn More or or scroll down to find out more below.

  • Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a type of behavior disorder. It is mostly diagnosed in childhood. Children with ODD are uncooperative, defiant, and hostile toward peers, parents, teachers, and other authority figures. They are more troubling to others than they are to themselves. Take the test to find out more about ODD or scroll down to find out more below.

  • Rejection-sensitive dysphoria, or the extreme emotional pain linked to feelings of rejection and shame, commonly affects children and adults with ADHD. Use this self-test to determine if your symptoms match those of RSD or scroll down to find out more below.

  • Some people with ADHD have fewer symptoms as they age, but some adults continue to have major symptoms that interfere with daily functioning. In adults, the main features of ADHD may include difficulty paying attention, impulsiveness, and restlessness. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Learn more about restlessness as a hindrance or scroll down to find out more below.

  • Besides restlessness, adults with hyperactive-impulsive ADHD may find it difficult to wait in line at the store, interrupt others while talking, monopolize conversations, and have poor driving histories. Learn more or scroll down to find out more below.


“The important thing is not what one is born with, but with what one can make of your equipment. Unhappiness is a choice”.

Adlerian psychology principles

Life is like a garden, whatever you plant and nurture in the garden grows. So maybe there are some uncomfortable stinging nettles that are causing disharmony, then it might be time for a garden redesign.

So in order to improve the fruits of your garden, perhaps start by making small steps to put one foot in front of the other and get on the road to self-discovery.

ADHD is usually diagnosed alongside other disorders or symptoms such as anxiety and depression. They are all just clinic names and it is important to be aware of them but not to label ourselves to limit our potential as this leads to learned helplessness.

Here are some tests that you can take to see if you can reasonate with the questions. If you would like to discuss the results, just book a taster coaching session.