Welcome to the Celebrating ADHD
Online Course

Congratulations for committing
to take charge of your ADHD,
you took the first step and that’s worth celebrating!

Along the journey, you will get to understand how ADHD affects your brain and get to know yourself better to raise awareness to coach yourself with the end goal of being the master of your ADHD. This course includes a free coaching session with a professional ADHD coach so please book it below. If you have not registered for the course, please fill in the registration form so we can get to know you better before the initial coaching session.

Course Overview


What you will get access to by the end of the course:

  • Understanding of what ADHD is and how it affects your life

  • Coaching on 12 subject areas specific to the symptoms of ADHD and tips on how to overcome them.

  • Be able to apply the coaching to yourself through coaching techniques shared

  • More focused approach to treating your ADHD holistically through become more mindful and being able to put lasting changes in place.

  • Reassurance that you are not alone on the journey and support from a professional ADHD coach.

  • Opportunity to meet others with ADHD when you join the group coaching sessions online.

  • Certificate of completion